Faithfully follow all steps as outlined on the PDF file I had wrested from the PC only installation disc.
Connect to internet. No luck. Bugger. Call Helpdesk. On this occasion they were, in fact, helpful. After a lot of dicking round with the existing patch panel and new modem, finally get online. Excellent. Do some work.
Tuesday: Start working. Get phone call from husband to say cops have been called to evict HIM from family office also! The thin blue line couldn’t have been very stretched that day as they managed to spare 4, count ‘em, 4 of the city’s finest to deal. Had to drop everything, call movers and go to office to help move furniture in order to avoid having to post bail for husband.
Come home shattered to find gale-force wind has blown telephone cable from house, so totally isolated vis-à-vis landline and internet . . .

(Weather pic from Netvibes)
Wednesday: All assurances from Telecom fault people come to naught as connection still not restored.
Thursday: Go for restorative and therapeutic morning golf game, after having lain awake a significant amount of night wondering how I was going to get all work done under circumstances.
Return home looking forward to getting back to work, as had been assured that fault was now marked as critical (live wire on road) and would be fixed between 9 and 1, if not sooner.
All assurances from Telecom fault people come to naught as connection still not restored.
Ring them again (on expensive cellphone) to be told that fault has been escalated to supervisor and he will be in contact soon.
All assurances from Telecom fault people come to naught as connection still not restored.
Friday: Six of those lovely Telecom fault people come and fix connection. Yay! We have lift-off.
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